Not happy with your website sales?
🛠Fixing your bounce rate and your lead generation issues can help boost your leads and conversions.
✅ 1. Improve your Bounce Rate: Your bounce rate is when visitors enter your website on one page but they don't click through to other pages. Google is watching 👀 every hit to your website and calculating the pages people visit, how long they stay there, and what actions they're taking from those pages. Take a look at the page people are visiting the most (typically your home page) and see what needs to be done to get people clicking through to other pages on your site. 🖱
✅ 2. Clear Lead Generation: Lead generation is the process of capturing information from your website of potential clients and customers. One of your primary goals for your website should be converting a visitor into a lead. This can be done in multiple ways, but a common way is to have people subscribe for a valuable free download of some sort by giving you their email address.
Do you need more ideas on how to make your Wix Website work for you? Click here to purchase my Create Your Own Website in a Weekend ebook.